Thursday, December 13, 2007

Life Day

I forgot to write about Life Day, the holiday I created! As some of you know, I had a car accident I think in 2000, so seven years ago where I drove off the road, went down a hill to be stopped at the bottom by a small creek where I flipped my car. My car was totaled but I was untouched. Nothing like that had ever happened to me so I was very impacted by the experience. It made me think about all the people and things I love, the beauty of life, how fragile it is, and to be grateful for all you have in your life. So, I started what people I love have come to know as Life Day, November 28th, the day I had my accident. It is a day designated to being grateful and reflecting on your life. This year I wasn't much in the spirit unfortunately. I just remember being really stressed, having a somewhat bad day at work, and wanting to be in too many places at once. I think I was mostly just frustrated because I felt like I didn't even have time to stop and spend time with my family or reflect on things or do what I wanted (even though most of the things I had to do were things I wanted to do). It was just work, Art Venture(the afterschool thing I did), a quick meal with the fam, then off to jazz band and practicing. When I got to jazz band, I felt so overwhelmed by numerous things that I was almost in tears. I was finally able to change my mood after talking to a friend before jazz. He told me that I need to live an example of how I want to be and the rest will fill into place. He also told me to go to jazz band and just have fun with it because it's something to be enjoyed. So I did just that, I went to jazz band and had a great time. I felt really lucky to be playing with such a talented group of musicians. Luckily, since Life Day was in the middle of the week, it got to be stretched out for a few days like all good holidays. :) I had a wonderful meal with my family at a local Italian restaurant. We even shared a bottle of wine which was very enjoyable! My sister even happened to be home, so I got to spend time with her too. So, it ended up to be a pretty great Life Day (week). Cheers to life and all you are grateful for! By the way, what are you grateful for?


Holly said...

I'm grateful for my sister! :)

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful that everything turned out OK the day of the accident. I think "Life Day" was one of the best days created and it should be a national holiday! We all need to slow down and take a look at our lives and espcially enjoy being with the people we love.