Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Music Because

Here's a little blurp of what I wrote in my music journal last night before my first day of the rest of my life!

I want MUSIC! I need it! I need to do this-
because I love it
because of how alive it makes me feel
because of the people it has brought into my life
because it makes me want to keep getting better
because if I had to live a day without it, I think I would die
because it enables me to express any, every & even possible feeling or emotion I may or may not have
because of the journey it has led me on already
because I want to keep going where it takes me
because it is me
because it makes me feel strong even when I feel weak
because it makes me feel (it encourages it!)
because it makes me notice things-minuet details in life that create its own masterpiece
because my heartbeat is a beat and as long as I am alive, I will be music


Anonymous said...

This is so you, Ann...a great entry! I can tell how much you love music and am so happy you are making it one of the main things in your life. I know music will keep you happy the rest of your life and you will make others happy also with the music you create and teach. Good luck on your future journey...I know you will do great! Love you!

Holly said...

That last line was beautiful - it gave me goosebumps!

Don't ever lose that enthusiasm and drive you have for music!