Wednesday, January 23, 2008


A friend of mine introduced me to this amazing artist named Banksy. I can't remember where he lives but he is a graffiti artist. First of all, I love graffiti. There is not only an element of risk involved (since it is usually illegal unless you have permission) but people that do it are so passionate about whatever it is that they want to say that they are willing to go to jail for the name of art. Granted, I'm sure some do it to 'mark their territory' or maybe are just looking for trouble. But others, like Banksy, have a message to get across. They have something to say and they want it to reach as many people as possible. They want to grab the attention of any passer-by and twist it and ring out any thoughts or feelings possible. They want to generate anger-not necessarily the bad kind-the kind that makes people want to do something. The kind that makes them want to fight for a change. The kind that ends wars. The kind that causes people to dig deep and figure out what they are made of. The kind that makes them want to do something!!! ...So yeah, I love graffiti.


Unknown said...

i looked him up online after reading your post. AMAZING! beautiful stuff!!

Holly said...

He does great work! Thanks for sharing about him!

...a taste of me said...

Thank Matthew!