Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Catch-up

Well, as usual, I am behind again in my blogging! I really haven't been near a computer much in the past couple weeks so I'm just going to say that's my excuse. Anyway, Christmas was interesting this year. Like with most things, there were good parts and bad, but I'm going to focus on the good. It was wonderful to see all the family again. Christmas Eve we made it to my mom's side of the family (unlike Thanksgiving!). Something different about this year is I did something I don't think I've done for my family-played trumpet for them! My boyfriend brought his saxophone, I brought my trumpet and keyboard and we played Christmas songs Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for my family. I have to say, it was one of the coolest experiences. It's amazing when you step out of your comfort box, the things you learn. I learned about my aunts and uncles playing random instruments when they were growing up and how music has been a part of their lives. I played a duet with my aunt Jan, which was a duet she taught me before I even started taking piano lessons. It very well could have been the first song I ever learned. So that was awesome playing with her. I taught her and my mom the song I wrote for my Art Venture kids. Also, one of my favorite memories from Christmas was when I was taking a break from playing and my grandpa on my dad's side started dinking around on the piano. I never knew he even had an interest in piano! He looked so happy too, ten years younger, I couldn't believe it. I thought about giving him my keyboard right then and there. Music brings so much joy! I love it! Oh, I also was lent an accordian! Being the dork I am, I think it would be a really cool instrument to learn and my aunt had one that they weren't using so she let me take it for a while. Another big highlight was a gift I got. It was from my cousin, Grace. At Thanksgiving, my aunt and I taught her how to crochet. We started her out making a scarf since straight things are easier to learn. There were times she was driven mad by it (as most of us are when we learn) but she kept going. So guess what she gave me for Christmas? The first scarf she ever made! Just looking at it, you could see the progress she made from the beginning to end, it was so wonderful to see. I got other nice gifts too-a crockpot (that was actually on my list, I'm getting old!), socks, a beautiful photo album from my sister and new husband containing photos from their wedding. I also got a melodica from my boyfriend. It is basically a little keyboard with a hose attached that you blow into to make sound. It's so fun! Plus, nothin' lke a portable piano! So all and all, I had a pretty good Christmas. I got everything and more than I could have hoped for-to be with the ones I love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Christmas was extra special this year because of the music played and everyone singing Christmas songs together. My sisters, sister-in-laws and I gave it our best shot at singing. It always seems more like Christmas when there is singing. I remember growing up out at the farm and my mom would play organ and we would sing Christmas songs...she loved that. I think she really enjoyed the music this year as well as the other grandparents and family members. Thanks Ann, for the entertainment and making the holiday so special.